Project Manager and Relativity Expert Dave Bow Joins Relativity’s First Official Cohort of the RCT Program

Page One’s resident Senior eDiscovery Project Manager, Dave Bow, has earned yet another Relativity certification. He is 1 of 7 selected Relativity Experts selected to participate in the first Relativity Certified Trainer (RCT) program for Admin Essentials I.

This is the first time Relativity has offered the RCT program to non-Relativity employees for Admin-type training. This pilot program was created to train to external project managers to teach the Admin Essentials I course. Previously this certification was only offered for “Relativity 101,” which is designed specifically for new users.
The RCT program is rigorous—including pre-work, a virtual meet-and-greet, a weeklong bootcamp, and a final evaluation on the participant’s ability to train a portion of Relativity Admin Essentials I. In order to obtain this certification, Dave committed to over 60 hours to the necessary pre-work and RCT bootcamp.
At Page One, one of our core values is continually learning. By participating in this program, we are able to continue in our efforts of fostering education and training internally and for our clients. We utilize our ability to educate and onboard clients to empower them to use the products and workflows we have available.
The RCT certification gives Page One the ability to offer in-person or virtual training to our end-users. When users attend these training sessions, Relativity Continuing Education credits are granted, meaning RCAs can maintain their certi?cations from Page One trainers.
If you or your team are interested in setting up a Relativity training, reach out to us at