Fact Sheets & Case Studies
At Page One, we’re committed to continually improving our services in order to offer our clients the best and most innovative solutions. Review our fact sheets and case studies below to learn more about how Page One can help you accomplish your eDiscovery and litigation needs.
Case Studies
Page One’s unique approach to the request to preserve all ESI led to substantial cost savings and allowed terabytes of data to be accessible within days as opposed to weeks for the client.
Page One was able to successfully migrate several workspaces for the client, despite the workspace being outdated and missing necessary applications.
A healthcare organization with over 50 locations recruited Page One in response to a Civil Investigative Demand from the Department of Justice.
Outside counsel needed to meet a quickly approaching holiday production deadline. Page One’s culling strategies allowed them to save time and money.
Page One successfully fulfilled the client’s need to run cross-border collections of email and OneDrive data for upcoming litigation using Relativity Collect.